It seems like yesterday, but now 18 years have passed. My youngest daughter turns 18 today. Like you and your children, I remember 18 years ago today for several reasons. First, we were so excited that she would be born within just a few miles of our house. Second, it was the day my father-in-law swore he would never eat another Big Mac (they were 99 cents each and he got a bad one).
It is funny how you remember special events in your life, but you can not remember other things that have occurred more recently. As I tell clients, almost 20 years have passed by and it is hard to recall where they have went. Minutes into hours, hours into days, days into years – time waits on none of us.
I hope we have taught her well in all the areas of her life. Only time will tell.
What are you doing with the days, months, and years in your life and the lives of your family?
Happy Birthday Morgan.
Happy Birthday, Morgan! Make your dad take you out some place special to celebrate!