It is here again. That time of year that our kids typically dread – back to school time. I learned this week, that one school district in my state has already started back! My children, like yours, are dreading the return of school. Truth be known, they are dreading the more disciplined approach to the day. They do not like the thought of going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. Yes, it will also be time to make their lunch and get prepared for the day.
As parents, we need to make sure that they are ready for school work. Millions of dollars will be spent these next few days and weeks making sure they have paper, pens, pencils, binders, lunch boxes, crayons, etc…. Oh yea, don’t forget the new wardrobe.
If you are a parent you know what I mean. If you are the parent of a middle school child you know how bad the wardrobe piece starts to get. They have to have the best name brand items that life will allow.
Are you ready for the back to school supply push? Have you figured into your August or September spending plan all of the costs of going back to school?
We need to stay focused and purchase school supplies that are in tune with the spending plan we have built. It is very easy to over extend and purchase all the things our children want, but what do they really need. Work from a list and have set dollar amount son the list so that you are spending your money wisely and according to plan.
Make sure that you shop from the approved supply list from your child’s teacher(s). This will help you to stay on track to buy only what you can afford to pay. Also, make sure that what you are requested to buy is really needed. Feel free to question your child’s teacher.
The point is – stay on target! Don’ go crazy and over spend.
Finally, where you can, take advantage of your state’s tax free holiday. In my home state of Georgia, the tax free weekend is this weekend for school supplies and clothing. There are limits on the amounts, so make sure you know what you can and can not purchase. Use the tax free time to stay under your budget.
If you are not in Georgia, when is your state’s tax free holiday?
Enjoy your shopping and best wishes to a successful school year for your children.