Yesterday marks the 90-day warning on Christmas gift giving. That’s right, we are under 90-days until Christmas. But before you ask yourself where this year has gone to, ask yourself if you are ready.
I am not one of those who get hyped up about all the commercialness of the holiday and, quite frankly, I think we go overboard and miss the true meaning of the holiday. However, regardless of how I feel you most of you are going to be buying Christmas gifts and, if this year is like any previous year, you have not a clue of how you will pay for what you are already planning on doing.
You need a plan and you need one now.
Several months ago I wrote about planing for Christmas. Hopefully, many reacted to that and, if you did, are ready for the next three months. You can ready that post by clicking here.
It is time you got ready. Get you paper out, determine how much you will send, write down the names of all you are buying for, and spend each dollar on that list until you have spent it all (or saved some possibly).
If you overspent or went into debt in the past – don’t do that this year. Build your plan, set aside your money, follow your plan, and enjoy the holiday for what it really represents. Hurry, the clock is ticking…..