Do you know how much you are paying each month to communicate? Do you know everything that you are paying for and are you using each one of those items? Most people have no idea what all is in there phone bill(s). Are you one of those?
Almost everyone today has a cell phone. Smart or dumb, most are not going anywhere without their phone. You are most likely right there. In addition, everyone in the family “has” to have a phone. Regardless of age, the thought is that no one should be without a phone.
Have you ever stopped to think about what those phones are truly costing you? Have you ever visited with your provider to see how you can cutback? Do you have a bigger plan that what is needed or, in contrast, one that is too small? What about the bells and whistles you have, their cost, and if they are needed.
Here is another big one – your home phone. Do you use your home phone regularly? Most of you, when you think about it, will realize that most of your home phone calls are solicitations or bill collectors. Why keep a home phone? Make sure you have a true need to keep it, if not cancel your service.
You can control your communications costs!