The greatest most valuable asset we have is – time. Time is the one thing that you have so little of, cannot replenish, and cannot buy more of. Once it is gone, it is gone. It is valuable, but do you manage your time?
A millionaire once shared this with me. “…if it is important to me, it is on my calendar”. Almost weekly, I am surprised to learn that people are not managing their time. So many do not even maintain a calendar. As a result, they are all over the board when it comes to managing their schedule, their relationships, their finances, etc……
Inevitably, every month I have a couple more expamples of how people are not managing their time. You may even relate to this. Clients call and need to reschedule their scheduled appointment that, in many cases, has been scheduled for weeks. They “forgot” they already had something at that time, something else has popped up that is more important, and so many other reasons. What they fail to realize is – it is their time and they are not managing it well.
Whether it is a piece of paper, a computer program or an app on your new smart phone – build and live by your calendar. In today’s world, and thanks to companies like Google, you can have several calendars that will work together. You can have one, your spouse can have one, your children’s schedule can be on another, etc – and they can all work together. All of those calendars may be a nightmare to maintain, but it beats not managing your time.
One of these days you will ask yourself, “where did all my time go”. If you don’t use a calendar, don’t look there for an answer.
Amen, Brother. We only pass this moment, this day, once. Make it count!