It is here, that frightful time that we call Halloween. Over the next several days, many will take part in this annual event in an effort to scare or be scared. For many, when you think of your personal finances you are frightened more than once a year. Your financial past scares you to death.
Whether it is because you were not managing yourself and your finances well or whether you were convinced by those who wanted to ruin your future – all of us have made financial mistakes. It is hard, living in the United States, to not make some bad choices when you realize the constant marketing efforts to help you spend your money.
The car that you could not afford, the credit card that allowed you to live way beyond your ability to pay, the house that was bigger than what you needed (size and sales price), co-signing for someone who the bank said was too risky and your disagreed – we have all made mistakes. Some more than others, but we have all been there and can relate.
If your past is haunting you, why not address it head on? The only way you get over falling off a horse is winning the psychological battle and getting back on. The way you win against your financial past is to get on a plan and attack the mess that lies in front of you.
You can get ahead and you can get your past in front of you. However, you can never get any farther than what you can not get around.