I am amazed at the ineptness of our government leaders – especially when it comes to finances. Yes, we all know that they are trying to protect their political careers and afraid to make the tough decisions, but there comes a point when they have to realize that the spending path they have us on can not be sustained. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue – it is financial and it does not take a rocket scientist to realize that the income does not match the outgo.
When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. I have no idea who first said that. Did they have our government in mind?
As a country, I believe, we elected people who were going to be more financially responsible. Maybe I was wrong and the more I watch what is going on, I am believing that in fact I was wrong or that we were all lied to.
My clients are people who have to make tough decisions on the financial, career, and life choices they have to make. I am not sure that anyone in Washington is able to make those tough decisions.
I guess they will not be a client….