Online banking is nothing new. However, many people have yet to experience the ease of managing their bank account from their keyboard. Many use online banking to simply check their account balance or, if they really feel daring, transferring money from one account to the another.
I am constantly meeting people who are looking to blame their situation on someone else. Regardless of how they got into a situation, it was someone else’s fault or it would not be this way. The government, a spouse, the children, mom or dad, the “big guy” you work
It seems like yesterday, but now 18 years have passed. My youngest daughter turns 18 today. Like you and your children, I remember 18 years ago today for several reasons. First, we were so excited that she would be born within just a few miles of our house. Second, it […]
Well, it is here. 2011 has made it on the scene. After all the planning and anticipation, the new year has arrived. Now what? What are your plans in this year? I mean, hopefully, you are not going to let this year fly by too are you? I have some […]
Many of you are spending the last few days and even hours before you hit time off for the holidays. Can you believe that this year is all but gone? Time sure flies! For a minute, think back to the goals that you had for this year. Have you achieved […]
When I have people referring paying clients to me, I reward each one of them a gift card for their referral. Unless I know of a specific “desire”, I will typically give that person r family a Visa or MasterCard gift card (not to be confused with a credit card!!). [&hellip
Three weeks from tomorrow is arguably the biggest and best holiday of the year. It is that one day that most of the world pauses to reflect a common holiday – the birth of Christ. It is the season for friends and family to gather and renew relationships. For many […]
Again this week I have been part of situations with my clients that seem bleak to say the least. Over and over people have allowed themselves to get into bad financial situations and then begin to blame others. Whether their current or former employer, the bank or mortgage company,