This morning the unemployment numbers were announced that indicate and increase in the number of first-time filers when projections were for a reduction in that number. It seems as if the numbers keep bouncing back and forth and there is no real progress in getting people back to work.
Many are now in a position to where their positions are no longer there. Like many manufacturing positions over the last couple of decades, many jobs may be lost and will never return. Those affected will need to look at retooling or retraining to find a position in the workforce.
But what about you and that business you have always wanted? What about you taking the steps now to move you into that role you have sought? So many people are now frozen, like a deer in the headlights, because they do not have a plan B. What is your plan B? C? D? …..
Now is the time to get moving. Don’t wait on someone else’s approval. Go for it.
We tend lose sight and remembrance of things in our past. Despite the continual efforts of a government leaders to lenthen this recovery, we will recover. The question is what our workforce will look like then. Many companies have started in the rubble of an economic downturn. When I was in high school in the late 70’s and early 80’s, most had never heard of the personal computer. Most were unaware and afraid of computers. And while IBM was developing this machine that would help businesses, a few guys were getting their heads together and dreaming about what could be. Today, Apple and Microsoft are household names.
I am so glad the economic collapse of those years did not stop them from pursuing what they did. Wow, look at the money they have made for themselves (Gates, Jobs, et al), as well as those who have invested in those companies since then.
What are you waiting on?