Well, I tried it. Last night I spent some time trying to get in the Facebook generation. Like I mentioned in a previous blog, I am not sure that I want to be a part of the Facebook crowd – specifically, I alluded to the social media craze. But, I gave it a shot.
I heard that I could have a fan page and just have “fans” join or follow or be my friend – whatever they call it. So, I tried it.
I had everything setup to have a fan page. All seemed to be going well until the system (Facebook) wanted all my personal information. I just wanted to setup my business.
So, I deactivated my account. I left some parting comments that will allow them to set me up like I want – if they want. If they can work it out, I may be back on there, but not like your normal ‘Facebooker’.
All I wanted was a presence to send my blog entries to and my Tweets. Guess I was expecting too much.
Do you have any insight on how to make this happen?