Let me start by saying that, YES, they really do think that you are crazy. They think you are stupid, irresponsible and dependent on them. Ok, I answered that question from the title, but the real quesiton is what are they thinking of.
Who am I talking about? Your U.S. Representative and Senators. Most of each spring and summer in the Congress is preparing spending budgets for the upcoming year, in this case 2011. That fiscal year begins on October 1, 2010 and runs through September 30, 2011. However, in this year of massive deficit spending, the talk now is that there will not be any budget bills this year! One report is from CBS News and the other from the office of the minority leader.
The president submitted his budget request in February and it is yet to be reviewed and approved by the Congress.
Why? That is precisely why an article with this content is posted on a personal finance website. A budget or, if you prefer, a spending plan keeps us on track to spend according to 1) our income and 2) our plan that we agree and march to. Wow, with the spending that comes from Washington, why would they want to have a budget? If you are as numb and dumb as they perceive you to be, you will never care about what they are doing.
Most states are constitutionally obligated to have a balanced budget. In my home state of Georgia, the bulk of the latest legislative session was to balance the state’s budget while facing a dwindling income projection. Tough work that we voted these people in the position to do.
But what about “out of control” Washington? Why are they not required to live under the same budgetary restrictions that you and your family are required to do? Simply put, they spend more than what they have coming in. They have no financial plan and, honestly, are bankrupting all of us. Living under a plan of money management might destroy their plan of getting reelected.
If you ran a business like the Congress manages our money, your business would likely fail and fail quickly. If members of Congress, irrespective of their party, ran your business as your CFO and handled your business money like they handle our national finances – how long would you keep them in that position?
Many households are doing just what the congressional leadership is doing – no budget. Is that is you? How is that working for you? Have you been learning from them? You need a new teacher and they need a new job.