As I work with clients one of the things we look at is the possible need to go to an even-billing or budget billing program on their electricity. My wife and I have used this for years and it really allows you to better budget and manage your monthly utility expenses.
One drawback that I try to caution people on is getting lulled to sleep with a set electric bill each month. Many times people will be aware of the “reduced” monthly cost (especially in the summer) and will not attempt to conserve as they should. Lights and appliances will be left on longer than they should, thermostats turned up more in the winter and down more in the summer. The end result is that the consumer then uses more than was estimated, they have a larger “catch-up” or 12 month bill, and their set payment is higher for the next 11 months.
This week we received our 12-month bill. I have been a little concerned since it was colder than normal last winter and very HOT this summer. The end result – we have NO payment due next month and a discount off the following month! That was nice. While it was not an expected outcome to not have an electric bill next month, while the electric does stay one, it is a blessing!
No, they did not actually give us a month free – we paid for it. However, managing the electric consumption did deliver!
Now the problem is my wife trying to figure out how she will spend the extra money in next month’s budget! Once she saw the bill, the wheels started turning….