Online banking is nothing new. However, many people have yet to experience the ease of managing their bank account from their keyboard. Many use online banking to simply check their account balance or, if they really feel daring, transferring money from one account to the another. Online banking can be so much more and allow you to better focus on your finances, but only if you feel comfortable.
If you are like some that I meet you are not comfortable thinking about using the internet to access your money. The thought of someone else doing something with your account or you messing something up weighs heavy on you. For you, I do not suggest you participate or at least not till you are comfortable.
For those of you who feel ok and know that you are protected with firewalls and virus protection software you will find, or have found, that online banking can make life so much easier.
While you can check your balance and transfer between accounts you may also find that you can pay your bills from your checking account, have your bills sent to you electronically, and even get a complete picture of your finances on one website.
Online banking can be productive, but you need to make sure you are secure. Make sure you change your password(s) frequently, have “tough” passwords, and protect your computer from outside hackers with a firewall and virus protection.