For many Americans, the season is upon you of receiving the joyful tax refund, Regardless of the fact that you lent the US Treasury your money and they are not paying you one penny of interest, you are so excited about that check that is soon to be on its way. Now – what will you do with it?
In so many cases, your monthly financial needs have been neglected because you were enabling your employer to withhold more than needed. Now that you have the money on the way, you are going to reward yourself by buying something that you most likely do not need. Not you?
What about those who borrowed on a credit card to make ends meet while their earnings were being withhled so that they could receive a check of “forced savings”. How did that work for you?
Finally, there are some who over withhold because they are so afraid of what “might happen” if they do not withhold enough.
Regardless of your circumstance, many will recieve their refunds over the next few months. Will you be one of them? What are your plans?
Can I suggest you use that refund to get started on your own financial plan. By taking one step at a time, you can build and execute a plan that will help you relieve much of the money stress you are experiencing today.
When you look at that refund amount, ask yourself how that refund could help you with the step you are working currently. It could be getting your emergency fund started or filled. Maybe it is a big chunk towards your debt. Wow, what if you really progressed and you can add to your Roth IRA ( Your 2010 IRA )
Whatever it is – act on it.