What makes you? I mean what truly makes who you are? Is it stuff? Expensive stuff? Impressive stuff? Flashy stuff? Maybe money? It may even be your job.
Many people lives their lives trying to impress others and, in some cases, trying to impress themselves. Whether it is flashy friends they are trying to impress, fancy clothes, big houses or fast, shiny cars. Many live beyond their means just to impress others.
What this typically means is debt and/or a loss for what their financial future could be. Whether keeping up to impress the Jones’ or trying to impress someone they meet on the street people, and maybe you, are missing what could have been.
I find it fun to be sitting at a stop light and next to a flashy, shiny new car. In many cases you can safely assume that the driver, by his or her actions, is trying to impress. As we wait for the light to change, our eyes meet. His or hers seem to say, “Man, you know I look good in this car”. My thought is more, “I am sure glad I do not have that payment”!
What truly makes you? The things? Relationships? What is it and what kind of control does it have on you?