Twitter, Facebook, Myspace – the list goes on and on. Are you part of the social media craze? I am, I guess. My Twitter presence was first and Facebook quickly followed. Honestly, I spend very little time on either. They are linked together and I do most of my activity on Twitter. To further be honest, I only have both for my business.
Honestly, it gets kind of boring seeing people who are eating here, shopping here, tired of this person, hate that person, love that person, I am too hot and today I am too cold. How did we ever get here? Let me say, I am not against any of the tools. I do believe that they can be used very productively. However, do you ever stop to see what you are saying? Do you ever stop to think that your contributions will be avaialable and searchable for anyone to see?
Many times it is fun to see how you are being blessed. Pictures of your kids or grandkids, where you are traveling, new friends you have met, etc. Social media can be used in a fun way.
Recently I viewed a post where the individual indicated they hated their job. Wow, if I was their manager I would helped give them the time they needed to find another. Others cryptically comment on other people, other families, and other organizations. Do you know others, outside your sphere of “friends”, will be able to see those things.
You see our words will haunt you. In this day of digital media, remember one important thing – all of it is being stored. It will be available for others to see for the future.
What about when you land that big job interview, you know, the one you have always wanted. Your interview goes fabulous and after the interview the hiring manager asks the question, “I wonder if this person uses social media?” Ask yourself, what will they find out about you? Will they pick up the phone and want you to start tomorrow or will they just pass and see who else they can find?
I guess after this post my friends and follower list’s will be shorter.
I’ve always thought twitter…and even Facebook…are a little narcissistic. I agree with you…that people are genuinely interested in significant events in your life. Not the trivia.